I went back to school shopping, and I am quite pleased with what I got. Keep in mind I am going to a private school with a strict uniform, obviously my clothing is preppy! Okay so this is what I got: A sweater vest from H&M. I cannot find a photo it is however gorgeous and its cost was $24.95. I got this excellent necessity in an XS...J'adore H&M. Okay then there was some confusion I found this pencil skirt there and this dress...I liked them NOT loved them, but I bought them anyway(stupid idea). Then we found Forever 21(The nicest one I have seen better then NYC) In forever I found a dress and a skirt I feel in love with so we returned (in the same day) the pencil skirt and the dress. So the skirt I got from forever looks like a Blair Waldorf item, YAY. And I guess it is not on the site anymore(ACTUALLY: I just figured out it is a Heritage1981 item!) but it looks something like this(look at the photo at the top) except in navy and green plaid. And I got it in medium so them it would be long enough for school, but of course now it is a little big around my waist, and I am NOT gaining weight to fit into it! haha. It was $18.90 and a fab. buy. Then at Forever21 I also got an adorable dress. That was 18.90 as well and size medium because of the length, but of course it fits a little big on me. c'est la vie! The next store we went to was Banana Republic we got a short sleeved button down at a great price of $32.99, which originally was $59.00! They don't have these tops on the site, but take my word...I love this top! Then we went to Gap, and I got a sweater for $44.50. I love love loved it, But it, like the majority of these clothes is not on the site anymore. sad face. Then we went to this new store called WHO.A.U Californian Dream. You may be thinking "OH, it's another damn Abercrombie." No, I swear it is not! They don't have a website yet, but I love there store for preppy clothes. So you may have though Abercombie was a prepster store, haha then you have not seen WHO.A.U! It has every necessity, bow ties, plaid dresses, plaid skirts, button downs, sweaters, blazers, and knee highs. Though I must admit some clothing is a bit like Abercrombie, but for the majority it is not. Not only is the quality of the clothing 10x better, the prices are a little lower. How amazing is that. It is every prepsters dream store. Anyways I ended up getting the NICEST blazer for $79.00 And a button down for $39.50. Unlike Abercrombie my button down will not rip! Then I wen to J.Crew and got a pencil skirt for $50.99. it is a gorgeous skirt that was originally $140.00. Victoria knows how to get the good deals. And then we went to American Eagle to get you normal pants I got them in grey and they were $39.50. I still need to get more button downs and skirts and pants and dresses, okay well maybe on more of each. And then I will be ready. Oh and of course I am in need of knee highs, navy blue ones. Please suggest some good ones to me. OOOHH and I got my first pair of legit heels from Macy's. They are Mary Jane pumps, 2 1/2 inches. I would not call them pumps but I love them. And if you are wondering where I got my shopping done, we went the the Stanford Mall. I don't live in Connecticut, Okay. Also I ordered a bag for school from Rugby, and it is HUGE, I need to buy a new one, I have my eyes on the Coach, at Macy's they are 50% off. Oh yeah. Okay so I decided I love this blog again haha. P.S the first photo with all the people, well one of the people has a yellow plaid skirt on that's mine, except in a different color. And the second pic, is self-explanatory.
Peace and Love,
You have to send me a picture of the blazer, Victoria!!