Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hey. Today was an a-ok day. nothing special...yet nothing bad! I went to ballet...ate lunch..cleaned my room...watched Grease...and right now am writing this very post! Oh and talking to Maria* on AIM.

continuing my story:
From love at first sight I knew russell was MY guy.
Then there is Briana*. My ex-best friend:
you look into those huge bug-eyes and see a girl..sweet innocent naive. Quite the contrary of a back stabber. You know she's actually pretty ugly, maybe that's why she wants to be popular. anyways here is her story:
We were BEST FRIENDS. BFFL'S was what we called ourselves! we had a little club...a secret language...all of our secrets were out. She was the best best friend I had ever had. Then there came the last week of school. Briana, was going away for the summer. for 2 whole weeks. How on Earth was I going to live without her?! Well it was the second to last day of school and Briana was hanging out with MY other friends: Jackie* and Erin*. We were talking about sleepovers over the summer. By the way I had broken my foot so we could not have a pool party. So we were setting dates. I thought everything was great. Then Briana started spending ALL of her time with Erin. It was like my existence was not appreciated: I was a girl who needed her books to be carried...a girl with crutches. Who want me? Then it was the last day of school. If I thought I felt like a piece of crap then.....well. I had some news. I walk into homeroom...where is Briana...hey where is Erin....and where the heck is Jackie. Oh Just running some errands leaving Victoria behind of coarse! Then after that our teachers made us get a beach ball signed by all of our team-mates. Hmm. Who is by herself...yupp DING DING DING we have a winner ME! I GOT THE BALL SIGNED BY RUSSELL.Ahhh. Anyways they walk up to me and Briana goes...oh yeah uh Victoria sign my ball. Me: uh, yeah sure. Briana: give me your ball. Me: um okay. Thanks Briana, by the end of this I felt like bull sh*t. I go to lunch and don't really talk to anyone....why oh why did they have to say: Hey Victoria what's wrong Me: Nothing Them: We know something is wrong! Just tell us Briana: Hey JACKIE lets go get Mr. Hunter's* signature. Way to flaunt it Briana. Here comes the water works:
The story will be cont. tomorrow.
It would mean the world to me:)
bise, bise
V. -